Finally Zachary Burton Jackson came to play with Kohen!! We have been waiting for him, it seems like forever. But he is finally here and so cute. He looks like his daddy. Chris & Melissa just bought a house and moved out of ours. (tear) We are so happy for them but are going to miss them like CRAZY!! Ok, so they are just around the corner, but still thats like BFE when you're use to just walking down the stairs. I know Chris will be over for his "erronds" I just don't know how he'll live without his DVR? Well, Congrats on Zachary... and don't worry, I'm working on Melissa to get a blog ASAP! You too Collin ya slug!!
That's so exciting! Tell them congratulations for us and yeah, she needs a blog!
oh, he is so so so cute! Tell her congrats and (I love your 24th pics) Were the hell are we you stinker. This friendship is over you did not even mention us. I am crying all over the computer. J/k I love you and nothing you do will change that. LOL!!!!!!!
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