Monday, July 28, 2008

Happy 24th

We had a super fun 24th. We had Kenny's wedding dinner up at Trio, then we rushed back to hit the famous Condie fireworks at the pool! Kohen was in his jammies and ready for bed but he just couldn't take his eyes off of the pretty fireworks. Plus Aunt Shelly gave him a cool glow stick that he wouldn't let go of. Look at poor Melissa, she was so uncomfortable, but not to worry, that babe popped out just a day after this picture :) We love you Zachary.


Grant and Alli said...

Looks like a good time!! I can't wait to hang out this week!!!

Susanne said...

Im so glad that we got this blog thing figured out. Kohen is so dang adorable. I want to squeeze him! Crew will look like that in no time! It looks like you guys have had a fun summer. We will let you know about the blessing when we get things planned better!

JLWright said...

Ok Nik, I just have to say that your little family is ADORABLE!!!! I cannot believe how big your little boy is getting. He is so cute. My grandparents told me that they loved visiting with you and your parents in Illinois. They seemed to have really enjoyed themselves... thank you! Keep in touch.

Lame said...

Nikki, what a beautiful family you and Travis have! Your baby boy is a DOLL! I bet he is so much fun! We just had our first little girl and your right, it is the hardest but most rewarding job in the world! Congratulations!
-Shelby (Hardy) Bond


My love and I in sunny Seattle
Lilypie Expecting a baby Ticker