Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Mother's Day

So I'm really late posting about Mothers Day as usual, I can never keep up but I had a fabulous Mothers Day. Trav suprised me with my right hand ring!! I've always wanted a pave right hand ring for some time now, and when I woke up there was this little gold box all wrapped up sitting next to my bathroom sink. I didn't have a good picture of it, this is the only picture I had. Of course I still had to wear it on Mother's Day even though it was too big so that's why it is on my pointer finger haha. (it's getting sized right now) He also got me my favorite carmel apple (that his mom made me in the candy factory) and a box of all my favorite chocolates. Being a mom is seriously the hardest thing I have ever done. Kohen is such a momma's boy and wants to be held ALL DAY. So unless he is sleeping, he's pretty much in my arms which doesn't let me get hardly anything done around the house. He is the absolute cutest thing ever so I don't mind holding him, but it does get tiring. I just don't have the heart to let him sit and cry in his crib, it breaks my heart plus he gets so mad he starts throwing up. So now I know why there is and should be a whole day devoted to Mothers!!! I think there should be a Mother's month!! :)
Now to brag a little about the GREATEST mom's in my life. First there is Karen, my mother-in-law and for all of you that know her, know what a wonderful, selfless, giving person she is. She is the hippest most stylish grandma out there! She is such a big help to Trav and I with Kohen. She watches him Tuesday nights for a few hours while Trav and I are at school. (this is not an easy task, especially when he doesn't like taking bottles) She had this hold on Kohen where she bounces him in mid-air and is SO tiring on your arms (he loves it!) and she will do it for hours with him to keep him from crying. He loves his Nanny Karen. Karen is an angel and so willing to help everyone out! Her heart is bigger than anyone I know (that's where Trav gets it from :)) We love her so much!!!
My mom is the most wonderful mom alive!! She not only flew out with 12 hour lay overs when Kohen was born just to be able to come out and help me, but she slept on my couch for 10 days!! What a women she is. I guess she is pretty use to the couch for waiting up for all us kids for so many years making sure we got home safe so late at nights, but still... she was up every night she heard Kohen crying no matter what time of the night it was and let me sleep while she rocked him back to sleep. Plus she was taking care of all 135 missionaries back home with sickness and ouchies that would call her at all hours asking how to treat a headache... I swear sometimes those missionaries are more needy than my newborn baby, but she takes care of them all just as she would her own kids. I love her so much and miss her dearly but want her to know that I love her and appreciate her more than words can ever say. You don't realize how much you need your mommy at sparatic times until she isn't there!! She is just a phone call away though. Thank goodness for that and the wonderful web cam. I LOVE YOU MOM!!


Raquel said...

Happy Mother's Day, Nik! Lucky, I want a right hand ring too! I love that picture, you guys are so cute!

The Hawaiian Howells said...

happy mothers day nikki you are the best mom ever and i love you so much!!!!! love meg

YoungFamilyBlog said...

That is great Nikki! He is getting so big

Tanya said...

so so cute. i saw a link to your blog on cheyenne's. i hope it's okay that i'm looking at your blog. your little boy it so cute, and you look beautiful as always.

The Judd Family said...

Your little boy is so precious! I love his eyes...adorable!!!


My love and I in sunny Seattle
Lilypie Expecting a baby Ticker