Kohen has had this fettish with that tongue of his. Ever since birth he loves to stick his tongue out. I kinda thought it would go away as time went on but I think it has only gotten worse. We love to go to the zoo and be outside and I've discovered that he loves to feel the wind on his tongue. Any time you blow on his face or the wind blows, out pops his tongue to taste the air. It is so funny. I try to get pictures of his smiles but they always turn into to tongue pictures and that's all I get.
So here are a few slobber pictures of him at the zoo and that stinkin tongue. Trav hates this hat he has, he thinks he looks retarded but I love it and it keeps the sun off his head so everytime I turn around he takes it off and I have to search for it. What a bum huh?
Nikki, he's so stinkin' cute!! I keep wanting to come by, but I guess I'll just wait 2 more weeks until Quel comes. She definitely wants to come with me to visit you and Kohen!!!
Yes I do!! I love the tongue smile! What a cute boy!
Oh my heck Nikki he is such a doll! I saw his picture with Megan's two boys on her blog and couldn't believe how big he was getting! Such a wonderful family.. glad to see you are doing well. :)
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