Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Cunningham Look-alike Meter

MyHeritage: Family trees - Genealogy - Celebrities - Collage - Morph

Everyone always asks us who we think Kohen looks like more because they can never tell, but we can't either. We always see different parts of us in him at different times. Like his chin... we think he has my pointy chin and Trav's double chin :) But I think he has Trav's eyes and ears. It is so weird that we can't tell so I left it to the professionals to determine. (ok, they aren't professionals by any means) But I did it like 3 times with 3 different pictures. The first said he looked like Trav by 4% then it said he looked equally like both of us, and then the last one said he looked like me by 14%. So of course I had to post that one :0 It is so funny that even this website determined we are all really close. So for those who have kids you should try it and see what ratings you get and if they are what you think they are. It's kind of intersting!


The Hawaiian Howells said...

so cute I think in that picture he is really starting to look like you. Hey so i need to tell you how to change your background so if you want call me. I love you so much love meg

Cheyenne and Seth and Co. said...

nikki! Your little boy is so cute! How are you these days? It looks like things are going really well, I'm glad.

Raquel said...

just wanted to say I LOVE YOU!


My love and I in sunny Seattle
Lilypie Expecting a baby Ticker