Thursday, January 22, 2009

Kohen's first haircut...tear...

I know, I made a huge mistake!! I let Trav talk me into letting him give Kohen his first haircut (ok it was more of a buzz than a trim like he told me.) It's better if we don't talk too much about it, I'm quite depressed. Trav told me he would use the longest attachment so it would just take off a little. Nope, not the case. He's pretty much bald. Oh boy I hope it grows back fast. I want his mohawk back!!
(ok look at that hair, I admit he did need a little haircut. BUT A BUZZ?)

Dad gave him the haircut, I just cleaned it up after it was too late to save his lucious locks!


Toby said...

Thanks for adding me Nick! Kohen is such a cutie, I too loved his little mohawk, but it will grow back right~ What a fun kid

Raquel said...

I know it seems bad to you because you're not used to it but he still looks adorable!!

Krista said...

I have that picture - just trade Kohen for Ty. In the bumbo with the razor. I cried too. Kohen's hair will grow back so fast you'll be asking Travis to cut it again.


My love and I in sunny Seattle
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