Sunday, May 24, 2009

Welcome Home Uncle Oink!!

Uncle Oink is home!! Well kind of. He flew into Peoria on Saturday May 23 to stay with mom and dad for about a month. Kohen and I flew out there to suprise and see him. Dallas already loves Kohen and they have been playing non stop since he's been home!! We are so excited to have another uncle home to play with Kohen. Uncle Cade-O will be home shortly too!!


Raquel said...

That's so fun that you got to be there! I still can't believe he's old enough to be back from a mission! Where does the time go? It's good to see you're still alive and blogging!

Grant and Alli said...

WELCOME HOME Dallas!! Wow I can't believe how grown up he is, what a handsome young fella....We must really be old now Nik:)

~Tara said...

Wow!! I can't believe he's home already! That's neat you got to be there! And, how can anyone not LOVE Kohen!! He's so stinkin' cute!!!


My love and I in sunny Seattle
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