Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Kohen has inherited my treats addiction!! We live and breathe treats. Before I get the wrath from my mom and dad and all of you others thinking I am the worse mom ever feeding him so many treats... He does eat lots of fruits and veggies throughout the day too! But we do splurge on the treats especially in the summer time!!

Kohen's First slurpee.... G.I Joe flavor... went in dark blue

...and came out bright green then next day... mmm - that can't be good on the system!


Drew and Randi said...

shut your mouth!! you took a picture of your son's poop!!! your a crack up!! love ya! xoxo

The Ehorns said...

I can't believe you took a picture of his poo...oh that's priceless! I'm sure he'll appreciate it when he's 16!

Jamie said...

I'm so glad I'm not the only person who let's their kid pig out on treats. I've always felt like such a bad mom for it but now I know I'm not alone. :)
Oh, and I love that his poop matched his shirt perfectly. Ha ha!

Dan and Tara said...

how does pooh turn that color???? CRAZY!

Krista said...

I wanted to see the pictures of you pigging out on treats - I don't believe it. Kohen sure looks like he is enjoying himself.

The Hawaiian Howells said...

LOL!!!!!! I forgot about that green poop! okay half of these pics I was with you but I do not remember eating that many treats I guess thats how blind I have come to the fact that I eat so much sugar, but we deserve it so oh well. love meg

Our Family said...

I love that you took a picture of his poop! He really is a cutie Nikki!

pendant lighting said...

So cute!


My love and I in sunny Seattle
Lilypie Expecting a baby Ticker