Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Cunningham Look-alike Meter

MyHeritage: Family trees - Genealogy - Celebrities - Collage - Morph

Everyone always asks us who we think Kohen looks like more because they can never tell, but we can't either. We always see different parts of us in him at different times. Like his chin... we think he has my pointy chin and Trav's double chin :) But I think he has Trav's eyes and ears. It is so weird that we can't tell so I left it to the professionals to determine. (ok, they aren't professionals by any means) But I did it like 3 times with 3 different pictures. The first said he looked like Trav by 4% then it said he looked equally like both of us, and then the last one said he looked like me by 14%. So of course I had to post that one :0 It is so funny that even this website determined we are all really close. So for those who have kids you should try it and see what ratings you get and if they are what you think they are. It's kind of intersting!

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Zoo Time!

Tennsion was wide awake and loving all the gorillas, but Kohen was just snoozing.

Yesterday we finally got to go to the zoo since the weather wanted to cooperate, it was still a little cold but it was lots of fun. We bought our season pass since it's good exercise for me and Kohen mostly sleeps through it all in his stroller. Our favorite animal this time was the lion monkey. They have 2 cute baby monkeys that are so cute and small we watched them forever and when we went into the gift shop and saw this lion monkey I couldn't resist buying it. It looks just like Kohen!! Mwa-ha-ha. I couldn't stop laughing at this picture because they look alike with their huge eyes. Kohen still has his hair ears that I thought would rub off and go away after a few weeks after birth. Nope, they are still here and it is hilarious. He is 2 months old today... Happy 2 monther little monkey!!

Thursday, April 10, 2008

My mom got permission to come home for a few days because my dads brother passed away. He didn't get to leave the mission so my mom got to come and speak at the funeral for him. It was so good to have my mom home again, she is such a trooper sleeping on my couch! (There are plenty of beds next door at my in-laws, who are wonderful and always offer their home to her, but she wanted to be close to the baby. I don't blame her :)) She of course helped with the cooking, cleaning, burping, and diaper changing. Oh how I loved that, she is a saint and loves to change dirty diapers!! The last day of her stay she started to feel horrible and got a head cold. She unfortunatly passed it onto Kohen and that's what we have been dealing with last night and today. I feel so bad for the little guy, he can't breath out of his nose, so of course my mom got a call at 11:00 last night from me asking her what to do with the little guy. I didn't dare put him down for bed because I was afraid he couldn't breath well enough and I thought he would just stop breathing :( well, we made it through the night and we are dealing with lots of even poopier and runnier diapers and lots of boogers and sneezing. It is the saddest thing because Kohen is so helpless and looks miserable but it was worth seeing Grandma and getting all those kisses from her. Lucky for us we already had a trip planned to go out there and meet Grandpa for the first time at the end of the month. We are so excited. Kohen and I get to go out for 2 weeks and stay with them!! Grandpa said he is ready to start teaching Kohen to hold a golf club which will be a treat. (grandpa says you have to start them early!!) We can't wait!! Peoria here we come!!!

Kohen and Daddy taking a nap


My love and I in sunny Seattle
Lilypie Expecting a baby Ticker